Monday, August 10, 2015

An Overview of and the Role of Yin/Yang in Fantastical Beauty

An Overview of Yin/Yang Style Systems

In the tradition of Belle Northrup, Harriet McJimsey, David Kibbe, John Kitchener, and others; we have a very different system to draw on, using style concepts of Yin and Yang.

While the specifics vary by author, in this tradition:

  • Yin is generally described as: small, delicate, round, soft, flowing, light, low-contrast, gentle/yielding.

  • Yang is described as: large, long, angular, striking, dark, high contrast, strong/firm.

These terms are used to describe physical features of people, personality features, mannerisms, fabrics, patterns, shapes, and more.  

These ideas of Yin and Yang are then categorized into 5-7 style types/identities for women and their best and most authentic personal aesthetics.

The consistently used types are:

Dramatic - Extreme Yang
Natural - Soft Yang
Classic - Balanced
Gamine - Combination of Yang and Yin
Romantic - Extreme Yin

The variously used types are:
Angelic/Ethereal - Yang (in size) that has yin features (light, flowy) and is not overtly sexy
Ingenue/Youthful - Yin that is not overtly sexy, and has an innocence

Style theorists use these concepts and types in differing ways, either seeing people as a blend of types, or a discrete type. They also have different (sometimes completely opposite) ideas about who (celebrities, for example) belongs in which type.

The Role of Yin/Yang In Fantastical Beauty

Yin/Yang style systems were not a part of the development of Fantastical Beauty, and are not a part of the Fantastical Beauty typing process. This was done explicitly. Having studied Yin/Yang style systems in depth, I saw both their strengths and their weaknesses, and felt a dire need for an alternative tradition.

That said, if yin/yang were considered in Fantastical Beauty, each of the Fantastical Beauty types would be Yin. The personalization of type includes visually incorporating the particulars of the small amount of Yang in each woman. In the Taoist understanding of Yin and Yang, Yin is inherently female, and Yang is inherently male. The Yin/Yang symbol shows how they are interconnected, with one incorporating a small amount of the other, and the two nestling together. This is how Yin/Yang would be considered in Fantastical Beauty. Each Fantastical Beauty type elevates the type of Yin in each woman, and personalizes and integrates the bit of yang in each woman. For typing of men, it would be reversed.

Yin yang

The Role of Yin/Yang Systems In Fantastical Beauty

Because the 5-7 type yin/yang style system has a rich history and familiarity, it is incorporated in typings as an optional secondary vibe.  This secondary typing is called Base 5 in Fantastical Beauty. The five base types (Dramatic, Natural, Classic, Gamine, Romantic) are used, and the client learns whether they are more Yin or more Yang (in the style systems tradition) within their Base 5 type. Types that would be considered Ethereal/Dramatic in other systems are encompassed in Dramatic Yang and Natural Yang types within Base 5, and types that would be considered Ingenue/Youthful in other systems are encompassed with Romantic Yin and Gamine Yin types within Base 5.

This is secondary to the Fantastical Beauty type, rather than an equal alternative, because Fantastical Beauty holds all women to be predominately Yin. Base 5 becomes a potentially useful addition for creating a personal Iconic Image. You could be a Magic Queen whose style is further shaped by being Romantic Yin in Base 5 type, or a Nymph: Classic Yang. If you share a FB type with someone, but not a Base 5 type, you will be able to see your Fantastical Beauty similarities, while also celebrating the smaller differences in yin/yang that make you unique.

Visit the pinboards to see examples, and consider being typed today!

Monday, August 3, 2015

The Role of Personality in Fantastical Beauty

The Role of Personality in Fantastical Beauty

Continuing our Fundamentals series, let's look at personality and vibe in Fantastical Beauty. If you need to, review the articles on Face types and S-Curve types.

By now you have narrowed it down to two or so types you think you might be, but may be unsure of how to fully decide. After all, maybe your face is both full and linear? Or you are in between a subtle and moderate curve? How do you decide which is most prominent? The lovely news is that you don’t have to!

We are now at the point where it’s time to look at the role of vibe. All of the types have mood boards that you can look at here: I encourage you to look through all of them and make note of which resonate with you.

A fun example of the role of the importance of personality are Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. While they are physically very similar, it's instantly apparent that these two have different personalities. It is evident not only in their fashion choices but in the way they carry themselves. So, let’s figure out their archetypes together.

Ashley Mary-Kate Olsen 2011 Shankbone 3
(Left: Ashley. Right: Mary-Kate)

Do you see both length and balance? We will eliminate the full Face category, because they are lacking the fullness/width to carry it off. If you look at photos, you will see that we can also eliminate the Major S-curve category, as they are lacking the body lines to carry those type's off as well. This brings us down to Fae, Magic Queen, Nymph, and Angel.
Ashley Olsen tends toward lighter colored clothing and hair than her sister. She is also more frequently photographed smiling and has a lighter, sugary air about her. Which of the four types are more obviously supporting this and which are in more obvious opposition? This vibe can be found in any of the 9 types, but of the four we are considering, it it a more natural match for Fae and Angel, and a less obvious match for Magic Queen and Nymph.

What do you see for Ashley Olsen? Revisit the Face and Body categories, also weighing visual personality, coloring, and mannerisms.

Mary-Kate Olsen favors darker colors in her clothing, hair, and makeup, and she wears them well. She is drawn toward more drama than her twin. In comparison, Mary-Kate comes across as more serious and reserved in facial expressions and mannerisms. Which of the four types that we are considering are more obviously supporting of these features and which are in more obvious opposition? This vibe can be found in any of the 9 types, but of the four we are considering, it it a more natural match for Fae (Nixie) and Magic Queen, and a less obvious match for Angel (though Dark Angel is not uncommon, the vibe is somewhat different than Mary-Kate's) and Nymph.

What do you see for Mary-Kate Olsen? Revisit the Face and Body categories, also weighing visual personality, coloring, and mannerisms.

QUIZ: Which Fantastical Beauty type did you come to for Ashley Olsen? Which for Mary-Kate? What was the deciding factor(s) for you? Share your thoughts before the answers are revealed.